When traditional healing modalities reach their limits, quantum healing systems provide new possibilities. Developed by Deepak Chopra, this mind-body healing method incorporates concepts from Quantum Physics, Transcendental Meditation and yurveda — an ancient Indian medical system that views health as the balanced harmony of the body, mind and spirit.
The scientific basis for quantum healing is the idea that everything in this Universe is essentially energy and vibrating frequency. The human body is a magnificent example of this phenomenon. When an organ fails to reproduce the proper vibration, the deficiency of electronic energy creates imbalance that can cause illness or disease. Some frequencies attract and repel certain diseases, while others help maintain the negative entropy state known as homeostasis. This is why energy medicine, vibrational therapy and regenerative medicine are complementary to our modern healthcare.
Some practitioners use a technique called non-local healing to send quantum energy from one person to another, regardless of their physical distance. This is based on the theory of quantum entanglement, which states that two particles can be linked together even if they are separated in space.
MBET has harnessed this science and incorporated it into a number of our products including the patented Quantum Teething Solution, the Quantum Healing Dressings and several other devices. Each device optimizes the precision of physical light using a NASA proven photo-stimulating technology and is computerized to maximize the healing and pain relief benefits. Some of these devices are curing sores that were once considered unhealable, like diabetic ulcers, pressure sores on the buttocks or hips and ostomy wounds. This is saving the health care industry billions of dollars.