Bags from the Michael Kors line are a go-to for uptown women who want to channel New York City style. The brand’s diffusion line, MICHAEL Michael Kors, interprets the same timeless glamour of Michael Kors Collection bags but is a little more relaxed in the shapes and materials. Authenticity is a key concern with this label, as the company sources materials and production worldwide. If you are concerned about the authenticity of a particular bag, consult with a customer service representative or shop online to determine the origins of the purse. The Gray tag features the words Made in followed by a country code of two letters, which can be China, Korea, Indonesia, Italy, Taiwan, Turkey, or Vietnam.
In addition to examining the quality of the leather, you should also note the type of metal hardware used. Genuine Michael Kors bags have heavy-duty, well-buffed hardware with a smooth finish. The hardware is engraved and clearly visible, while fakes often have the logo stamped onto the surface and are not as polished. Lastly, the straps on a real Michael Kors bag are firm and won’t fold on themselves. Fake bags tend to have shorter straps and less durable buckles. They may also have holes that aren’t punched in the same place and don’t feature a buckle with an engraved MK logo. The straps should also have well-bored holes that are easy to adjust. This helps keep the straps in shape and prevent them from stretching over time. mk bags