Proteins are the building blocks of cells. They are made of amino acid subunits linked together in different orders (like the letters in a word) to form long chains called polypeptides. Each amino acid has a unique part that shapes the overall characteristics of a protein. These chains then twist to make 3D proteins in many different shapes. Instructions for making proteins are encoded in DNA.
Proteins perform a wide variety of jobs in the body including providing structural support, storing molecules, carrying chemical messengers, facilitating reactions, transporting atoms and small molecules, and allowing muscle contraction. Some proteins are enzymes, such as those that help turn sugar into energy, or hormones, such as those that control blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Others are structural proteins such as collagen or hemoglobin, or immune system proteins such as antibodies or cytokines that target and kill pathogens.Amino acids are classified by their chemical properties: positively-charged amino acids attract each other, while hydrophobic (water-loving) amino acids cluster together, away from water. This allows proteins to take on a variety of shapes and to interact with other proteins in specific ways.Protein is an essential nutrient, meaning we need it for good health. It keeps muscles strong and provides the building blocks to make other substances needed for growth, such as carbohydrates and fats. It also helps prevent the loss of muscle as we lose weight and reduces the risk of osteoporosis by helping maintain bone density. It also supports the immune system and helps protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases. Protein is found in foods from both plant and animal sources. Foods containing protein are usually considered “complete,” which means they contain all the amino acids needed to make new proteins in the peptides